Dec 14, 2022
Getting fit can seem like it is only meant for those who are genetically gifted…
or for those who somehow have A LOT of time on their hands
It is not.
Anyone, regardless of age, can achieve an incredible physique spending less than 2-3 hours per week training.
You just need to know exactly what to focus on and have a strategy in place that will be conducive to your current lifestyle.
Here’s 4 tips that will help you shed fat and build a jaw dropping physique (regardless of your age or starting point,
Want to know the key to looking genetically gifted?
A physique that is toned and chiseled appearing like you are straight from a magazine?
It’s all about body fat percentage.
Many people think that six packs and defined physiques are the results of thousands of crunches and countless hours of training like Rocky.
It is not.
It’s about getting your body fat percentage low enough.
Even if you build lots of muscle and do lots of hard core training, you won’t achieve that head turning physique until the body fat percentage is low enough.
For men, that chiseled physique and six pack starts around 12-15% body fat
For women, that toned stomach and defined body is around 20-25% body fat
The good news is when you focus your efforts on the right strategies, this doesn’t take but a few hours a week of training.
Focus on the wrong things, you can spend hours a day, 5+ days a week with mediocre results.
So what should you focus on?
Fat loss is 80% nutrition and 20% training.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been on the phone with a prospective client who says..
“I workout 5 to 6 days a week for an hour or more each time and still can’t lose weight”
Achieving that six pack and chiseled physique is more about nutrition than it is training.
You can train every day for multiple hours, but if you don’t understand the nutrition behind your goals, you will be a hamster in a wheel.
There’s a reason they say “abs are made in the kitchen”
Great nutrition will always make up for sub par training….
But good training will not make up for bad nutrition.
The key to leaning down is to spend more time on your nutrition than your training.
If you are spending more than 2-3 hours a week training and you aren’t getting results, you need to look at your nutrition
The good news is that “good nutrition” can be met with zero food restrictions. Meaning you can lean down and eat WHATEVER you want as long as you know what to focus on.
So if you love carbs, cookies, ice cream, chips, pizza, hamburgers, etc it’s not a problem.
It’s all about HOW you approach it and focusing on what truly matters most
If you are wanting to see more progress and finally get a physique that people ask “how do you do it?” ….
Focus on more on your nutrition
There’s nothing worse than spending hours running on the treadmill, or around the neighborhood, only to step on the scale and see no changes.
Most people associate weight loss with doing cardio. While you can lose weight doing cardio, it is not the most effective or time efficient way to do so, nor will you get very impressive results if you do start to lose weight.
While cardio is great for the cardiovascular system, and your mental health, it’s not the best for achieving a head turning physique and saving yourself a lot of time. That comes from strength training.
That’s because cardio just makes you a smaller version of what you already are.
While being smaller is better than nothing, it won’t compare to what strength training can do in terms of body composition.
Strength training allows you to build lean muscle that will “pop” as you lean down and get that body fat low enough.
This is what creates that impressive physique. Toned and defined muscles that pop when you are lean,
Another great benefit to building lean muscle is that you will permanently elevate your metabolism.
The more lean muscle you have, the more calories you will burn throughout the day.
So if you are wanting to permanently elevate your metabolism and have more tone and definition, focus on strength training over cardio.
This doesn’t mean ditch cardio altogether…
Cardio can still be an effective supplement or addition to a strength training regimen to get those extra calories burned.
It just shouldn’t be your only or main strategy.
What’s the first thing people do with their nutrition when they want to get “fit”?
They immediately cut out “bad” foods.
Makes sense right?
If you are going to get fit, surely you need to stop eating burgers, pizza, sugar, cookies, ice cream etc….
And you need to start eating more lean foods, whole grains, salads, veggies, and salads?
You don’t need to cut out anything you enjoy eating to lose fat.
In fact, doing so will make it harder to get the physique you desire.
Why is that?
The reason you eat the “bad” food is because it tastes good and you enjoy it.
(If you didn’t enjoy it, you probably wouldn’t eat it.)
The challenge with getting rid of foods you love and crave is that it makes long term follow through VERY challenging to almost impossible.
At some point you aren’t going to be able to say no to the “bad” food and you will eat it.
And because you have been depriving yourself for so long, when you do eat it, it will probably be hard to stop.
This turns into guilt and frustration.
We tell ourselves “well I’ve already messed up so what’s the point?”.
This completely demotivates you and sends you further down a negative pattern.
Here’s the good news…
You can eat ANYTHING you want and still achieve an incredible physique..
And I mean ANYTHING..
Burgers, pizza, ice cream, cake, cookies..... ANYTHING.
Keep in mind, I didn't say you can eat whatever you want, however much you want, whenever you want to.
There are laws of physics we must abide by.
Fat loss doesn't care about "what foods you are eating".
I just cares about energy balance.
How much energy is coming in versus going out.
As long as you have more energy coming out than going in, you will lose fat regardless of what you are eating (or what time you are eating)
Something I tell my clients to focus on during their fat loss phase is to consume high protein.
Not because protein itself causes fat loss, but because it helps with the following
- Helps you stay more satiated during the day (making it easier to not eat too much)
- Helps prevent muscle loss as you lean down and lose fat (losing muscle will lower your metabolism)
- Helps stimulate lean muscle growth
What I’ve found through years of my own training and also working with hundreds of clients is that the more consistency you have, the more likely you are to hit your goals.
The key to having consistency is to have a nutrition setup that makes eating enjoyable and something you look forward to.
This means having no food restrictions and actually incorporating foods that you love and crave.
If you are wanting to maximize your results, you need to have a no food restriction approach and focus on getting high protein intake.
If you enjoyed this content be sure to download my FREE Fitness Mastery guide where I discuss the 4 pillars of fitness mastery that will help you lose 12-24 pounds of fat eating whatever you want and spending less than 2-3 hours a week in the gym
Join my FREE FACEBOOK COACHING GROUP "SHAUN SURGENER FITNESS MASTERY" and learn tips, strategies, and insights into how to lose 12-24 lbs of fat and build lean muscle in 90 days eating whatever you want spending less than 2-3 hours per week training
Schedule a free 30min strategy session here to go over your specific goals and get some guidance / tips to help you achieve that next level
For coaching inquiries / opportunities check out my program offerings here
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